Zapping Assets
Swapping assets is easy with the GenericTraderRouter. You can find the address for the router on the Smart Contract Addresses page.
library AccountBalanceLib {
enum BalanceCheckFlag {
interface IDolomiteStructs {
struct AccountInfo {
address owner;
uint256 number;
interface IGenericTraderBase {
enum TraderType {
struct TraderParam {
TraderType traderType;
uint256 makerAccountIndex;
address trader;
bytes tradeData;
interface IGenericTraderProxyV2 {
enum EventEmissionType {
struct TransferAmount {
uint256 marketId;
uint256 amountWei;
struct TransferCollateralParam {
uint256 fromAccountNumber;
uint256 toAccountNumber;
TransferAmount[] transferAmounts;
struct UserConfig {
uint256 deadline;
AccountBalanceLib.BalanceCheckFlag balanceCheckFlag;
EventEmissionType eventType;
struct ExpiryParam {
uint256 marketId;
uint32 expiryTimeDelta;
struct SwapExactInputForOutputParams {
uint256 accountNumber;
uint256[] marketIdsPath;
uint256 inputAmountWei;
uint256 minOutputAmountWei;
TraderParam[] tradersPath;
IDolomiteMargin.AccountInfo[] makerAccounts;
UserConfig userConfig;
struct SwapExactInputForOutputAndModifyPositionParams {
uint256 accountNumber;
uint256[] marketIdsPath;
uint256 inputAmountWei;
uint256 minOutputAmountWei;
TraderParam[] tradersPath;
IDolomiteStructs.AccountInfo[] makerAccounts;
TransferCollateralParam transferCollateralParams;
ExpiryParam expiryParams;
UserConfig userConfig;
interface IGenericTraderRouter {
* @param _isolationModeMarketId Market ID of isolation mode token (0 if not using isolation mode)
* @param _params Trading parameters including:
* - accountNumber: Account to trade from
* - marketIdsPath: Array of market IDs for trading path
* - inputAmountWei: Amount to swap (uint(-1) for entire balance)
* - minOutputAmountWei: Minimum output amount
* - tradersPath: Array of traders to use
* - makerAccounts: Accounts for internal liquidity trades
* - userConfig: Deadline, balance checks, and event config
function swapExactInputForOutput(
uint256 _isolationModeMarketId,
SwapExactInputForOutputParams memory _params
) external;
* @param _isolationModeMarketId Market ID of isolation mode token (0 if not using isolation mode)
* @param _params Trading parameters including:
* - All parameters from SwapExactInputForOutputParams
* - transferCollateralParams: Collateral transfer config
* - expiryParams: Position expiry settings
function swapExactInputForOutputAndModifyPosition(
uint256 _isolationModeMarketId,
SwapExactInputForOutputAndModifyPositionParams memory _params
) external;
For these examples, we are creating the structs and arrays directly inline to make it more readable. This would result in a compile error in normal solidity. Also, the tradeData is dependent on which trader you are using.
Depositing 1,000 USDC into the default account number and then swapping for WETH.
uint256 usdcAmount = 1000e6;
usdc.safeApprove(address(DepositWithdrawalRouter), usdcAmount);
uint256 usdcMarketId = DOLOMITE_MARGIN.getMarketIdByTokenAddress(address(usdc));
/* isolationModeMarketId = */ 0,
/* toAccountNumber = */ 0,
/* marketId = */ usdcMarketId,
/* amountWei = */ usdcAmount,
uint256 wethMarketId = DOLOMITE_MARGIN.getMarketIdByTokenAddress(address(weth));
uint256 minAmountOut = 0.25 ether;
bytes memory odosOrderData = '0x1234';
/* isolationModeMarketId = */ 0,
/* SwapExactInputForOutputParams */ {
/* accountNumber = */ 0,
/* marketIdsPath = */ [usdcMarketId, wethMarketId],
/* inputAmountWei = */ usdcAmount,
/* minOutputAmountWei = */ minAmountOut,
/* tradersPath = */ [{
/* trader = */ odosExchangeRouterAddress,
/* traderType = */ GenericTraderType.ExternalLiquidity,
/* tradeData = */ abi.encode(minAmountOut, odosOrderData),
/* makerAccountIndex = */ 0
/* makerAccounts = */ [],
/* userConfig = */ {
/* deadline = */ block.timestamp,
/* balanceCheckFlag = */ BalanceCheckFlag.From,
/* eventType = */ GenericEventEmissionType.None
Depositing 1,000 USDC into the user's default account and swapping into GLP, an isolation mode asset. Swapping into an isolation mode asset requires using a whitelisted wrapper trader and swapping out of an isolation mode asset requires using a whitelisted unwrapper trader.
tradeData is in the format of (uint256 minAmountOut, bytes memory extraOrderData) = abi.decode(tradeData, (uint256, bytes)). The GLP wrapper requires no extra order data, but many traders require extra information.
uint256 usdcAmount = 1000e6;
usdc.safeApprove(address(DepositWithdrawalRouter), usdcAmount);
uint256 usdcMarketId = DOLOMITE_MARGIN.getMarketIdByTokenAddress(address(usdc));
/* isolationModeMarketId = */ 0,
/* toAccountNumber = */ 0,
/* amountWei = */ usdcAmount,
address dfsGlp = 0x34DF4E8062A8C8Ae97E3382B452bd7BF60542698;
uint256 glpMarketId = DOLOMITE_MARGIN.getMarketIdByTokenAddress(dfsGlp);
uint256 minAmountOut = 0.25 ether;
/* isolationModeMarketId = */ glpMarketId,
/* SwapExactInputForOutputParams */ {
/* accountNumber = */ 0,
/* marketIdsPath = */ [usdcMarketId, glpMarketId],
/* inputAmountWei = */ usdcAmount,
/* minOutputAmountWei = */ minAmountOut,
/* tradersPath = */ [{
/* trader = */ glpWrapperTraderAddress,
/* traderType = */ GenericTraderType.IsolationModeWrapper,
/* tradeData = */ abi.encode(minAmountOut, bytes("")),
/* makerAccountIndex = */ 0
/* makerAccounts = */ [],
/* userConfig = */ {
/* deadline = */ block.timestamp,
/* balanceCheckFlag = */ BalanceCheckFlag.From,
/* eventType = */ GenericEventEmissionType.None
Last updated
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