Core - Proxies

Dolomite's Core repository makes up the immutable layer of Dolomite Margin as well as a few important proxy contracts

Dolomite Margin - Core

The Core proxy contracts are officially deployed to the following networks (and can be modified via call to Dolomite Margin from the owner):

Arbitrum One

Contract NameDescriptionAddress

Proxy contract for opening borrow positions. This makes indexing easier and lowers gas costs on Arbitrum by minimizing call data.

Proxy contract for opening borrow positions. This makes indexing easier and lowers gas costs on Arbitrum by minimizing call data. V2 enables opening borrow positions between wallet owners.

Price oracle for all assets, utilizing Chainlink

Price oracle for all assets, utilizing Chainlink. Removes any deprecated usages that existed in V1

Contract for making deposits into DolomiteMargin easily, and it utilizes significantly less call-data, which lowers the gas fees significantly on Arbitrum.

Factory for creating templated AMM pools. These AMM pools allow users to trade with on-chain liquidity. They also are natively integrated with DolomiteMargin, so LPs also accrue interest from borrowers

Routing contract for trading against Dolomite AMM pools

Single source for emitting events to ease indexing for the Subgraph

Trader account for executing all account expirations

Handles simple account expirations. This contract serves as the entry for callers looking to execute expirations

Handles zapping between assets easily and opening borrow/margin positions using any valid liquidity source

Operational multi signature wallet that owns the DelayedMultiSig wallet

A global registry for tracking which held tokens can be liquidated by which proxy contracts

Proxy contract for liquidating other accounts

Proxy contract for liquidating accounts using any valid trader for normal tokens, Isolation Mode tokens, or Async Isolation Mode tokens

Event emitting contract for the Dolomite Subgrpah to track margin position creation

A utility contract for aggregating calls to the RPC node

Multi-signature wallet that owns the DolomiteMargin . Time-gates admin changes for a certain period of time. Learn more in Admin Privileges.

WETH wrapper proxy

Contract for sending signed operations on behalf of another account owner

Can potentially own the admin fees that are accrued by AMM liquidity providers (LPs)

Contract for transferring funds within Dolomite to other users

Arbitrum Goerli

Contract NameDescriptionAddress

Proxy contract for opening borrow positions. This makes indexing easier and lowers gas costs on Arbitrum by minimizing call data.

Proxy contract for opening borrow positions. This makes indexing easier and lowers gas costs on Arbitrum by minimizing call data. V2 enables opening borrow positions between wallet owners.

Price oracle for all assets, utilizing Chainlink

Multi-signature wallet that owns the DolomiteMargin protocol. On the testnet, all changes are time-gated for 60 seconds.

Contract for making deposits into DolomiteMargin easily, and it utilizes significantly less call-data, which lowers the gas fees significantly on Arbitrum.

Factory for creating templated AMM pools. These AMM pools allow users to trade with on-chain liquidity. They also are natively integrated with DolomiteMargin, so LPs also accrue interest from borrowers

Routing contract for trading against Dolomite AMM pools

Handles account expirations

Handles simple account expirations. This contract serves as the entry for callers looking to execute expirations

A global registry for tracking which held tokens can be liquidated by which proxy contracts

Proxy contract for liquidating other accounts

Proxy contract for liquidating other accounts and automatically selling collateral using Dolomite's AMM pools

A utility contract for aggregating calls to the RPC node

WETH wrapper proxy

Contract for sending signed operations on behalf of another account owner

Can potentially own the admin fees that are accrued by AMM liquidity providers (LPs)

Contract for transferring funds within Dolomite to other users

Last updated