Core - Immutable

Dolomite's Core repository makes up the immutable layer of Dolomite Margin as well as a few important proxy contracts

Dolomite Margin - Core

The Core contracts are officially deployed to the following networks:

Arbitrum One

Contract NameDescriptionAddress

DolomiteMargin library containing admin functions

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing general invocations from DolomiteMargin to an arbitrary address

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing deposits

Main margin contract

DolomiteMargin library containing liquidation and vaporization functions. Designed to be used within OperationImpl

DolomiteMargin library containing operation functions

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing internal trades and trades with external accounts, outside of DolomiteMargin

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing transfers

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing withdrawals

Arbitrum Goerli

Contract NameDescriptionAddress

DolomiteMargin library containing admin functions

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing general invocations from DolomiteMargin to an arbitrary address

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing deposits

Main margin contract

DolomiteMargin library containing liquidation and vaporization functions. Designed to be used within OperationImpl

DolomiteMargin library containing operation functions

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing internal trades and trades with external accounts, outside of DolomiteMargin

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing transfers

DolomiteMargin library containing the logic for executing withdrawals

Last updated