Open a Borrow Position

Opening a borrow position is simple

Normal Assets

Depositing or withdrawing into Dolomite is easy with the BorrowPositionProxyV1. You can find the address for BorrowPositionProxyV1 here.

library AccountBalanceLib {
    /// Checks that either BOTH, FROM, or TO accounts do not have negative balances
    enum BalanceCheckFlag {

event BorrowPositionOpen(
    address indexed _borrower,
    uint256 indexed _borrowAccountNumber

 * @dev Transfers collateral from the source account number to the destination account
 *      number. Emits a `BorrowPositionOpen` event before the Operation executes.
 *      This enables the offchain data indexers to see the position being opened and
 *      start watching for Actions.
 * @param _fromAccountNumber    The index from which `msg.sender` will be sourcing the
 *                              deposit
 * @param _toAccountNumber      The index into which `msg.sender` will be depositing
 * @param _collateralMarketId   The ID of the market being deposited
 * @param _amountWei            The amount, in Wei, to deposit
 * @param _balanceCheckFlag     Flag used to check if `_fromAccountNumber`, 
 *                              `_toAccountNumber`, or both accounts can go negative 
 *                              after the transfer settles. Setting the flag to
 *                              `BalanceCheckFlag.None=3`
 *                              results in neither account being checked.
function openBorrowPosition(
    uint256 _fromAccountNumber,
    uint256 _toAccountNumber,
    uint256 _collateralMarketId,
    uint256 _amountWei,
    AccountBalanceLib.BalanceCheckFlag _balanceCheckFlag
) external;

Isolation Mode Assets

This part of the docs is still under construction 🚧

Last updated