Module - GMX & GLP

Dolomite's integration with GLP enables users to retain the yield, esGMX, vesting, and staking features while borrowing against their GLP

Dolomite Margin - Modules

Arbitrum One

Contract NameDescriptionAddress

A proxy address for reading the GMXRegistry implementation

A registry that contains all of the GMX-related addresses. Used for offering Dolomite's smart contracts a uniform entry point for reading ecosystem smart contracts

Implementation contract for each user's proxy contract vault. It stores the users fsGLP tokens, esGMX, sbfGMX, and interacts with GMX ecosystem

Same as V1 but also contains the fixes from the Zokyo audit.

Same as V2 but adds ⚡️ Zap

Same as V3 but smooths out some minor UX hiccups for ⚡Zap

The wrapper around the fsGLP token that is used to create user vaults and manage the entry points that a user can use to interact with DolomiteMargin from the vault.

An implementation of the IDolomitePriceOracle interface that makes GMX's GLP prices compatible with DolomiteMargin. The GLP price it calculates understates the price by using the highest bid and factors in any withdrawal fees

Used for unwrapping GLP (via burning via the GLPRewardsRouter) into USDC. Upon settlement, the burned GLP is sent from the user's vault to this contract and dfsGLP is burned from DolomiteMargin

Used for unwrapping GLP (via burning via the GLPRewardsRouter) into USDC. Upon settlement, the burned GLP is sent from the user's vault to this contract and dfsGLP is burned from DolomiteMargin

Used for wrapping GLP (via minting from the GLPRewardsRouter) from USDC. Upon settlement, the minted GLP is sent to the user's vault and dfsGLP is minted to DolomiteMargin

Used for wrapping GLP (via minting from the GLPRewardsRouter) from USDC. Upon settlement, the minted GLP is sent to the user's vault and dfsGLP is minted to DolomiteMargin

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