Module - Magic GLP

Dolomite Margin - Modules

Arbitrum One

Contract NameDescriptionAddress

An implementation of the IDolomitePriceOracle interface that makes magicGLP prices compatible with DolomiteMargin. The GLP price it calculates understates the price by using the highest bid and factors in any withdrawal fees using the GLPPriceOracleV1 contract in this table and calculates the exchange rate from mGLP to GLP

The same as MagicGLPPriceOracle but uses Chainlink Automation to cache the exchange rate using a heart beat / deviation model

Used for unwrapping mGLP (via redeeming with the mGLP contract and then via the GLPRewardsRouter) into USDC

Used for unwrapping mGLP (via redeeming with the mGLP contract and then via the GLPRewardsRouter) into USDC

Used for wrapping any asset into mGLP (via depositing with into the mGLP contract and minting via the GLPRewardsRouter)

Used for wrapping any asset into mGLP (via depositing with into the mGLP contract and minting via the GLPRewardsRouter)

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